Drawings: PDFs of the drawings that our volunteers help create are below. These are used by local and federal agencies to document, preserve, and restore these valuable monuments from Caribbean history. Copies of this work have been sent to the University of Florida Digital Library of the Caribbean.
Some of these PDFs are very large. Please contact us if you would like more information- we may be able to help. Geneology & Cemetary inventories found here.
- 01SanSalvadorBahamas: Polly Hill Settlement, Bahamas
- 02LamesherStJohn: Lamesher Plantation, St John
- 03VernacularHouseStEust: Vernacular House, St. Eustacia
- 04Wall BlakeHouseAnguilla: Wall Blake House, Anguilla
- 05OldCourthouseFloorplansAntigua: Old Courthouse, Antigua
- 06BushirubanaGoldMineAruba: Bushirubana Gold Mine, Aruba
- 07HardBargainBahamas: Hard Bargain, Bahamas
- 08KerrMountSanSalvadoBahamas: Kerr Mount, San Salvador, Bahamas
- 09HastingsBarbados: Hastings, Barbados
- 10BeefIslandGreatHouseRuin: Great House, Beef Island Tortola
- 11CrusherVirginGordaBVIElevations: Crusher, Virgin Gorda
- 12FortPurcellTortola: Fort Purcell, Tortola
- 13BVIDrawings: Geo Martin, Tortola
- 14MountHealthyTortola: Mount Healthy, Tortola
- 15HistoricChurchesofTortola: Historic Churches, Tortola
- 16KingstonChurch: Kingston Church, Tortola
- 17HampsteadFactoryBuildingDominica: Hampstead Factory, Dominica
- 18FortGeorgeGrenada: Fort George, Grenada
- 19EstateConcordiaStCroix: Estate Concordia, St. Croix
- 20EstateLittleLaGrangeStCroix: Estate Little La Grange, St. Croix
- 21WheelofFortuneStCroix: Wheel of Fortune, St. Croix
- 22HomesteadHousesStCroix: Homestead Houses, St. Croix
- 23RoxboroughPlantationTobago: Roxborough Plantation, Tobago
- 24MorneFortuneStLucia: Morne Fortune, St. Lucia
- 25NevisandStKitts: Wingfield Manor Estate, St. Kitts
- 26PortGeorgeNevis: Port George, Nevis
- 27FortGeorgeCharles: Fort Charles, Nevis
- 28EdenBrowneNevis: Eden Brown, Nevis
- 29NewRiverSugarFactoryNevis: New River Sugar Factory, Nevis
- Ruins, St. John:
- stjohn-AnnebergSlaveHouses
- stjohn-BrownBay
- stjohn-CaneelBay
- stjohn-CatherinebergSitePlan
- stjohn-CinnamonBay
- stjohn-DenisPlantation
- stjohn-Durloo
- stjohn-Lameshur
- stjohn-Leinster Fort
- stjohn-LeinsterSugarFactory
- stjohn-Lesparance
- stjohn-lindholm
- stjohn-MaryPoint
- stjohn-Misc.Annaberg
- stjohn-Rustenberg Final Buildings
- stjohn-Rustenberg Site Plan
- stjohn-SIEBENS
- stjohn-TrunkBayFactory
- stjohn-YawsiePoint
- 31JewishCemeterySitePlans: Jewish Cemetary, Suriname